Sunday, June 30, 2013

Moisturizing in braids

Its summer time you know what means its time to get those braids. This does not only go for summer but also in winter I have always had  that problem in term of taking care of my braids.Everytime I would take them out my hair would feel hard. Then I found a new way for my hair to stay moisturized after trying this out  when taking out my hair my hair felt so soft. I usually always always have a problem of dryness in my hair especially in the middle and this method has helped a lot.

I make a spritz which I combine with a bunch of the things in a spray bottle
-Moisturizing spritz
 Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 (main ingredient)
Black Castor oil
Favorite light conditioner
Grapeseed oil
Any curl finishing lotion of your choice in my case (Soft sheen Carson Wave Nouveau Coiffure Moisturizing Finishing Lotion)

Then once a week I use
Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Reconstrurizer to keep my protein balance and PH balance

Washing hair
Then once every three weeks I wash my hair by placing shampoo, water, and condtioner in a applicator bottle

Conditioning hair
I place in an applicator bottle conditioner and water then this is the odd part I steam my hair in the braids by placing a bag over my hair a steam towel then finally a bag. Then doing the last wash with cold water. This part I feel has changed my whole hair health.


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