Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Zimmerman Case

I know everyone has heard the verdict of Trayvon Martin case and how Zimmerman was found not guilty. What annoyed me most about the case not only the fact that he was found not guilty but the fact that social media has begin to tarnish the image of a Child that is dead. Saying he was gang affiliated and only picking the bad. It is sickening imagine all other cases of people who have been murdered who may have had bad past but everyone looked at them as victims not people who deserved it. People are so inhumane and would be the first one to tarnish someone else's image but when it comes to stating the fact they cannot do that no one ever talked about Zimmerman's life story he has all of the sudden become a hero for killing an African American. Now I heard that one of jurors is trying to write a book who uses someone's pain to make money. First of all the person was not there and would not have the knowledge to tell any story. And to all saying that Zimmerman will be killed is not reasonable only God can decide someone fate and we cannot decide someones fate. Zimmerman will leave a free man but will continue to be the most hated man in the US sad to say. It is not the only fact that Trayvon Martin was a black boy and was killed it is fact that this just flashes so much of what we have fought to end in history and to think in the year of 2013 we are still been prosecuted. Be Black in the America it is sad to say that one day I will go out in the world and achieve something and I will not have save rights as someone else. I love that so many are continuing to fight because if we continue to stand and watch this will continue to happen. Things will never change until we make a change.

This is just what has been on my mind.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Moisturizing in braids

Its summer time you know what means its time to get those braids. This does not only go for summer but also in winter I have always had  that problem in term of taking care of my braids.Everytime I would take them out my hair would feel hard. Then I found a new way for my hair to stay moisturized after trying this out  when taking out my hair my hair felt so soft. I usually always always have a problem of dryness in my hair especially in the middle and this method has helped a lot.

I make a spritz which I combine with a bunch of the things in a spray bottle
-Moisturizing spritz
 Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 (main ingredient)
Black Castor oil
Favorite light conditioner
Grapeseed oil
Any curl finishing lotion of your choice in my case (Soft sheen Carson Wave Nouveau Coiffure Moisturizing Finishing Lotion)

Then once a week I use
Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Reconstrurizer to keep my protein balance and PH balance

Washing hair
Then once every three weeks I wash my hair by placing shampoo, water, and condtioner in a applicator bottle

Conditioning hair
I place in an applicator bottle conditioner and water then this is the odd part I steam my hair in the braids by placing a bag over my hair a steam towel then finally a bag. Then doing the last wash with cold water. This part I feel has changed my whole hair health.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Why social networks have destroyed manys perspective

I usually talk about hair but I am here to talk about what I have noticed a lot. People been placed at high pillars for basically wearing little to no clothes and no doing anything that is beneficial to our society. Due to this many young adolescence see this as been good and the norm. These many people I can not prove live this life of having money or living in high social class. The sad thing is that the average american does not live like this but yet they fantasize over their life style. I can remember back in the day when the only way one could ever make something out of themselves is if they had a talent or presented themselves as intelligent women. An example I have is between India Westbrook and people like Shameless Maya. The difference between these two people is that Shameless Maya has been a person that inspires some many with her Youtube videos. But in the case of India Westbrook it is different here is another girl from LA who lives this life that everyone wants to have. Its so sad that so many play into this as someone that will one day inspire or change a Child's perspective of themselves. In the end of the day we are our own role model and placing people who do not do anything for us morally why do we take that time to hit the follow button just to obsess over someone. I am just saying I may sound like a hater but it is just something I have noticed that has been on my mind.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My new Regimen

Favorite Shampoos
Shea moisture:moisture retension shampoo
Neutrogena anti residue shampoo

Deep condition: 
A mixture of conditioners are used for this
-Kanechom Karite butter conditioner 
-Organix argan oil and shea butter conditioner 
- A little bit of Joico moisture recovery balm
-Palmers coconut deep conditioner 
-Castor oil
-Grapeseed oil

Then I steam my hair this process is quite easy
-Take place a plastic bag over your hair 
-Place a towel in which you soaked with hot water make sure to remove excess water from the towel
-Then place the towel on your head 
-Place a plastic shower cap as the last step

Leave this in for 45 min-1 hr

I then shampoo my hair depending what my hair needs I will use one or the other. I usually clarify once in a while 

Then finally I use the Neutrogena triple moisture mask and conditioner and wash out .

Place my leave in conditoner which is the  Aveeno Nourish and conditioner leave in 

Paul mitchell skinny serum (GVP version)

Thats it you can either air dry or blow dry I recommend air drying. 

Changing to texlaxed.

Now I am in College the new trend has become natural everyone has become natural. I know been natural is healthier for your hair but I was once natural and my hair was so unmanageable I got really tired of it. So I decided why can I not have the best of both world. This would mean becoming texlaxed. Although I havent texlaxed my hair since January I am currently growing out the relaxed hair and now I am growing my hair out to hopefully texlax my hair around August. But there are so many things that I found out newly and have added to my regimen that has helped my hair combat dryness. I will be posting my regimen and my moisturizing regimen for braids.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I have to change my blog to Being Texlaxed

I had to make a decision on texlaxing my hair because I saw the thickness of my hair after 7 months stretch and how much my hair grew and I didnt want to loose that. I decided to texlaxed my hair with research and time it went smoothly. I also updated on my hair products and will do a review of all of them. My hair is currently covered and I cant wait till Spring time to show off my hair.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Rethinking my regimen

After a lot of thinking and testing on what and does not work for me I began realizing how much of a product junkie I was becoming. 

Products I realized were not doing the trick 

GVP conditioning balm was not a good deep conditioner it has become my leave in and has done a better job at that 

I do not like pre poo and nor does my hair 

My hair is protein sensitive 

A product solely based on silicones does not make a good deepconditioner 

Products that was not benefiting to my hair
 Silken n child moisturizer which was replaced by Elasta QP olive oil and mango butter moisturizer
 Silicon mix was a good deep conditioner but moisture lasted for a while 
GVP Joico K-pak reconstructor my hair is protein sensitive 

New methods I learned
Deep conditioning with Honey and olive oil and any regular conditioner before shampoo is beneficial